The Dr Musa Manzi Foundation challenges youto be the change that South Africa needs.
Our aim is to explore and discover South African hidden young talents in the rural villages, to inspire, empower and connect these young people to change their world. Please lend a helping hand.
The Dr Musa Manzi Foundation challenges you to be the change that South Africa needs. Please tell us how you would like to get involved.
Project Summary
The Ndwedwe or NDW Science Expo is a competitive research exhibition that showcases STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) projects developed by learners from the Ndwedwe District. This initiative also features interactive exhibits by STEM-related institutions and is celebrated as an annual NDW Day Science Fair. On this day, learners from Grade 8 to 12 have an opportunity to showcase their own scientific innovations through various team projects. Each school sends a team of innovators to participate in this competition. Each team must comprise at least one learner between Grade 8 to 12.
The NDW Science Expo is an innovative initiative aiming to:
- Introduce learners to curiosity-driven research.
- Inspire and encourage learners to love the art of science.
- Introduce learners to various career options within STEM-related fields.
- Teach learners how to present their research ideas and results.
- Teach learners how to collaborate with others and work in a team.
- Discover the learners’ potential and talents and use their strengths to guide their career paths.
- Teach learners how to network and communicate.
- Enhance the learners’ motivation while contributing to their holistic personal development.
- Establish relationships between learners, academics and university students.
- Promote scientific culture in a multi-cultural environment, allowing the sharing of experiences and best practices in order to unravel talent through scientific activities.
Research projects from various teams from different schools in Ndwedwe are assessed by the judges. These judges are made up of university academics and postgraduate students who award certificates the winners. Great prizes are up for grabs, including school and university scholarships.